For most use cases, you can just install flacarray
from pre-built python
wheels or conda packages. For specialized use cases or development it is
straightforward to build the package from source using either a conda
environment for dependencies or with those obtained through your OS package
Python Wheels
You can install pre-built wheels from PyPI using pip within a virtualenv:
pip install flacarray
Or, if you are using a shared python environment you can install to a user location with:
pip install --user flacarray
Conda Packages
If you are using a conda environment you can install the conda package for
from the conda-forge channels:
conda install -c conda-forge flacarray
is not yet on conda-forge
Building From Source
In order to build from source, you will need a C compiler and the FLAC development libraries installed.
Building Within a Conda Environment
If you have conda available, you can create an environment will all the dependencies you need to build flacarray from source. For this example, we create an environment called "flacarray". First create the env with all dependencies and activate it (FIXME, add a requirements file for dev):
conda create -n flacarray \
c_compiler numpy libflac cython meson-python pkgconfig
conda activate flacarray
Now you can go into your local git checkout of the flacarray source and do:
pip install .
To build and install the package.
To also work on docs, install additional packages:
conda install mkdocs mkdocstrings mkdocs-jupyter
pip install mkdocs-print-site-plugin
Other Ways of Building
Discuss OS packages, document apt, rpm, homebrew options.