It is always debatable whether the examples should come before or after the detailed documentation. You should read through the following sections for more details about the different TIDAS objects, terminology, and use.
Simple “Weather” Data¶
In this toy example, we create a volume with the serial Python interface and write some fake data. Then we show how to copy a subset of that volume as well as how to set up a linked volume that can have additional data objects added to it.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
## TImestream DAta Storage (TIDAS)
## Copyright (c) 2014-2018, all rights reserved. Use of this source code
## is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the top-level
## LICENSE file.
# WARNING: Running this script will generate a several GB of data...
import os
import sys
import shutil
import numpy as np
import datetime
import calendar
import tidas
from tidas import DataType as tdt
# The name of the volume
path = "demo_weather"
# Create the schemas for the data groups that we will have for each day
wfields = list()
wfields.append( tidas.Field("speed", tdt.float32, "Meters / second") )
wfields.append( tidas.Field("direction", tdt.float32, "Degrees") )
wind_schema = tidas.Schema(wfields)
# sampled every 10 seconds
wind_rate = 1.0 / 10.0
wind_daysamples = int(24.0 * 3600.0 * wind_rate)
tfields = list()
tfields.append( tidas.Field("temperature", tdt.float32, "Degrees Celsius") )
tfields.append( tidas.Field("pressure", tdt.float32, "Millibars") )
tfields.append( tidas.Field("humidity", tdt.float32, "Percent") )
thermal_schema = tidas.Schema(tfields)
# sampled once per minute
thermal_rate = 1.0 / 60.0
thermal_daysamples = int(24.0 * 3600.0 * thermal_rate)
pfields = list()
pfields.append( tidas.Field("rainfall", tdt.float32, "Centimeters") )
precip_schema = tidas.Schema(pfields)
# sampled every 5 minutes
precip_rate = 1.0 / (5 * 60.0)
precip_daysamples = int(24.0 * 3600.0 * precip_rate)
day_seconds = 24 * 3600
# Remove the volume if it exists
if os.path.isdir(path):
# Create the volume all at once.
vol = tidas.Volume(path, tidas.BackendType.hdf5,
tidas.CompressionType.none, dict())
# Get the root block of the volume
root = vol.root()
volstart = datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1)
volstartsec = volstart.timestamp()
for year in ["2018", "2019"]:
# Add a block for this year
yb = root.block_add(year, tidas.Block())
for monthnum in range(1, 2):
# Add a block for the month. Just use January for now.
month = calendar.month_abbr[monthnum]
mb = yb.block_add(month, tidas.Block())
weekday, nday = calendar.monthrange(int(year), monthnum)
for dy in range(1, nday+1):
daystart = datetime.datetime(int(year), monthnum, dy)
daystartsec = (daystart - volstart).total_seconds() \
+ volstartsec
# Add a block for the day
day = "{:02d}".format(dy)
db = mb.block_add(day, tidas.Block())
# Now we are going to add the data groups for this day.
print("Writing data for {} {:02d}, {}".format(month, dy, year))
wind = tidas.Group(wind_schema, tidas.Dictionary(),
wind = db.group_add("wind", wind)
thermal = tidas.Group(thermal_schema, tidas.Dictionary(),
thermal = db.group_add("thermal", thermal)
precip = tidas.Group(precip_schema, tidas.Dictionary(),
precip = db.group_add("precip", precip)
# Write timestamps to all groups
wind.write_times(0, np.linspace(daystartsec,
daystartsec + day_seconds, num=wind_daysamples))
thermal.write_times(0, np.linspace(daystartsec,
daystartsec + day_seconds, num=thermal_daysamples))
precip.write_times(0, np.linspace(daystartsec,
daystartsec + day_seconds, num=precip_daysamples))
# Write some random data to the fields
seed = int(year) * 1000000 + monthnum * 10000 + dy * 100
data = np.absolute(np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=5.0,
wind.write("speed", 0, data)
data = 360.0 * np.absolute(np.random.random(
wind.write("direction", 0, data)
data = np.absolute(np.random.normal(loc=25.0, scale=5.0,
thermal.write("temperature", 0, data)
data = np.absolute(np.random.normal(loc=1013.25, scale=30.0,
thermal.write("pressure", 0, data)
data = np.absolute(np.random.normal(loc=30.0, scale=10.0,
thermal.write("humidity", 0, data)
data = 360.0 * np.absolute(np.random.random(
precip.write("rainfall", 0, data)
# Now that we have our initial dataset, there are several things we might want
# to do with it. Pretend this volume was actually huge and located at a
# computing center far away. We want to get just a small subset to play
# with on our laptop.
# Let's say we only care about wind data, and in fact we are only
# interested in the speed, not the direction. Let's extract just the wind
# speed data for the month of January, 2019.
sfile = "demo_weather_small"
if os.path.isdir(sfile):
vol.duplicate(sfile, tidas.BackendType.hdf5,
tidas.CompressionType.none, "/2019/Jan/.*[grp=wind[schm=speed]]", dict())
# Take a quick peek at the small data volume:
print("\nSmall volume with just wind speed:\n")
svol = tidas.Volume(sfile, tidas.AccessMode.read)
del svol
# Now consider another use case. We have our original dataset which is
# priceless and we have changed the permissions on it so that it is read-only.
# However, we want to do some operations on that original data and produce some
# new derived data products. We can make a volume which links to the original
# data and then add new groups to this.
lfile = "demo_weather_link"
if os.path.isdir(lfile):
vol.link(lfile, tidas.LinkType.soft, "")
# The resulting volume has symlinks at the group / interval level to the
# original read-only files. Now open this volume up and make some new
# new intervals that will be only in our local linked copy of the volume:
lvol = tidas.Volume(lfile, tidas.AccessMode.write)
# Get the root block of the volume
root = lvol.root()
years = root.block_names()
for yr in years:
yb = root.block_get(yr)
months = yb.block_names()
for mn in months:
mb = yb.block_get(mn)
days = mb.block_names()
for dy in days:
db = mb.block_get(dy)
# Pretend that we have 10 spans of time where the temperature
# is "low". Just fake uniform intervals here...
nlow = 10
chunk = 20
span = chunk / thermal_rate
data = []
for i in range(nlow):
start = 2 * i * span
stop = (2 * i + 1) * span
first = 2 * i * chunk
last = (2 * i + 1) * chunk - 1
data.append(tidas.Intrvl(start, stop, first, last))
lowtemps = tidas.Intervals(tidas.Dictionary(), nlow)
lowtemps = db.intervals_add("low", lowtemps)
del lvol
# Take a quick peek- all the original groups linked in appear to be
# in this volume. However, note that trying to write to these would fail
# if the filesystem permissions were read-only.
print("\nVolume linked to original with new local Intervals:\n")
lvol = tidas.Volume(lfile, tidas.AccessMode.read)
Fake Telescope¶
In this example, we create several groups per day with data at very different sampling rates.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
## TImestream DAta Storage (TIDAS)
## Copyright (c) 2014-2018, all rights reserved. Use of this source code
## is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the top-level
## LICENSE file.
# WARNING: Running this script will generate a several GB of data...
# This is just a toy exercise. We assume continuous data collection with
# no gaps. We use very simple types of detector and housekeeping data.
# In a "real" dataset, we would be unpacking raw frame data from a data
# acquisition system and would know how many samples we have for a given
# observation. Here we just make these numbers up.
import os
import sys
import shutil
import numpy as np
import datetime
import calendar
import tidas
from tidas import DataType as tdt
# The name of the volume
path = "demo_telescope"
# Create the schemas for the data groups that we will have for each day
# ---- Data from a weather station ----
wfields = list()
wfields.append( tidas.Field("windspeed", tdt.float32, "Meters / second") )
wfields.append( tidas.Field("windangle", tdt.float32, "Degrees") )
wfields.append( tidas.Field("temperature", tdt.float32, "Degrees Celsius") )
wfields.append( tidas.Field("pressure", tdt.float32, "Millibars") )
wfields.append( tidas.Field("humidity", tdt.float32, "Percent") )
wfields.append( tidas.Field("PWV", tdt.float32, "mm") )
weather_schema = tidas.Schema(wfields)
# sampled every 10 seconds
weather_rate = 1.0 / 10.0
weather_daysamples = int(24.0 * 3600.0 * weather_rate)
# ---- Housekeeping data ----
hfields = list()
hfields.append( tidas.Field("thermo1", tdt.float32, "Degrees Kelvin") )
hfields.append( tidas.Field("thermo2", tdt.float32, "Degrees Kelvin") )
hk_schema = tidas.Schema(hfields)
# sampled once per minute
hk_rate = 1.0 / 60.0
hk_daysamples = int(24.0 * 3600.0 * hk_rate)
# ---- Pointing data ----
pfields = list()
pfields.append( tidas.Field("az", tdt.float32, "Radians") )
pfields.append( tidas.Field("el", tdt.float32, "Radians") )
pfields.append( tidas.Field("psi", tdt.float32, "Radians") )
pointing_schema = tidas.Schema(pfields)
# sampled at 20 Hz
pointing_rate = 20.0
pointing_daysamples = int(24.0 * 3600.0 * pointing_rate)
# ---- Detector data ----
ndet = 50
dfields = list()
for d in range(ndet):
detname = "det_{:04d}".format(d)
dfields.append( tidas.Field(detname, tdt.int16, "ADU") )
det_schema = tidas.Schema(dfields)
# sampled at 100Hz
det_rate = 100.0
det_daysamples = int(24.0 * 3600.0 * det_rate)
day_seconds = 24 * 3600
# Remove the volume if it exists
if os.path.isdir(path):
# Create the volume all at once. To keep the size of the volume
# reasonable for this demo, only write 3 days of data.
vol = tidas.Volume(path, tidas.BackendType.hdf5,
tidas.CompressionType.none, dict())
# Get the root block of the volume
root = vol.root()
volstart = datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1)
volstartsec = volstart.timestamp()
for year in ["2018",]:
# Add a block for this year
yb = root.block_add(year, tidas.Block())
for monthnum in range(1, 2):
# Add a block for the month
month = calendar.month_abbr[monthnum]
mb = yb.block_add(month, tidas.Block())
weekday, nday = calendar.monthrange(int(year), monthnum)
for dy in range(1, 4):
daystart = datetime.datetime(int(year), monthnum, dy)
daystartsec = (daystart - volstart).total_seconds() \
+ volstartsec
# Add a block for the day
day = "{:02d}".format(dy)
db = mb.block_add(day, tidas.Block())
# Just fake some seed for now
seed = int(year) * 1000000 + monthnum * 10000 + dy * 100
# Now we are going to add the data groups for this day.
print("{}-{}-{:02d}:".format(year, month, dy))
print(" writing weather data")
weather = tidas.Group(weather_schema, tidas.Dictionary(),
weather = db.group_add("weather", weather)
weather.write_times(0, np.linspace(daystartsec,
daystartsec + day_seconds, num=weather_daysamples))
data = np.absolute(np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=5.0,
weather.write("windspeed", 0, data)
data = 360.0 * np.absolute(np.random.random(
weather.write("windangle", 0, data)
data = np.absolute(np.random.normal(loc=25.0, scale=5.0,
weather.write("temperature", 0, data)
data = np.absolute(np.random.normal(loc=1013.25, scale=30.0,
weather.write("pressure", 0, data)
data = np.absolute(np.random.normal(loc=30.0, scale=10.0,
weather.write("humidity", 0, data)
data = np.absolute(np.random.normal(loc=10.0, scale=5.0,
weather.write("PWV", 0, data)
print(" writing housekeeping data")
hk = tidas.Group(hk_schema, tidas.Dictionary(), hk_daysamples)
hk = db.group_add("hk", hk)
hk.write_times(0, np.linspace(daystartsec,
daystartsec + day_seconds, num=hk_daysamples))
data = np.random.normal(loc=273.0, scale=5.0,
hk.write("thermo1", 0, data)
data = np.random.normal(loc=77.0, scale=5.0,
hk.write("thermo2", 0, data)
print(" writing pointing data")
pointing = tidas.Group(pointing_schema, tidas.Dictionary(),
pointing = db.group_add("pointing", pointing)
pointing.write_times(0, np.linspace(daystartsec,
daystartsec + day_seconds, num=pointing_daysamples))
data = 2.0 * np.pi * np.random.random(
pointing.write("az", 0, data)
data = 0.4 * np.pi * np.random.random(
pointing.write("el", 0, data)
data = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=(0.01*np.pi),
pointing.write("psi", 0, data)
print(" writing detector data")
det = tidas.Group(det_schema, tidas.Dictionary(),
det = db.group_add("detectors", det)
det.write_times(0, np.linspace(daystartsec,
daystartsec + day_seconds, num=det_daysamples))
for d in range(ndet):
detname = "det_{:04d}".format(d)
data = np.random.normal(loc=32768, scale=2000,
det.write(detname, 0, data)
# Take a quick peek at organization:
vol = tidas.Volume(path, tidas.AccessMode.read)